Battery Innovation Center to Expand Dry Room Cell Build Capacity and Educational Offerings
The BIC Indianapolis expansion will add nearly 4000 square feet of additional dry room space for cell manufacturing and assembly.
The BIC Indianapolis expansion will add nearly 4000 square feet of additional dry room space for cell manufacturing and assembly.
“One of the most attractive things about the BIC is our vertical integration,” says CEO Ben Wrightsman. “We are one of the few facilities that offers the ability to take your material and put it into the very first battery, and handle it all the way through to the end of its life. We can build it, test it, help you get it into products and applications, certify it and help you to understand risks – and as the product ages, we can help with second use or recycling all the way back to the raw material.”
The state, which will be joined by Dave Roberts, CEO of the Applied Research Institute, and Ben Wrightsman, CEO of the Battery Innovation Center, will showcase Indiana’s leadership in energy storage, electrification, electric vehicles and the industry’s supply chain, targeting new business prospects and investment opportunities.